
If your business is operating as a Partnership, you will need to file an annual Partnership Tax Return, annually and each partner must file a Self-Assessment Tax Return which must include Partnership Pages, reporting the profit share. Any profits the business makes are allocated amongst the partners and all partners and then individually assessed as to the amounts of Tax and National Insurance due. 
All of our Partnership service packages include: 
Preparation of Partnership Accounts 
Preparation of Partnership Tax Return 
Calculation of taxable profits 
Filing Partnership Tax Return with HMRC 
And where we act for each Partner 
Preparation of Partnership Pages and Self-assessment Tax Return 
Calculation of the amounts each partner needs to pay to HMRC 
Filing Partner’s Self-assessment Tax Return with HMRC 

Partnership Package Options* 

Partnership Essential 

From £154.00 +VAT per month 
UK based dedicated accounting team 
Annual Accounts prepared and filed 
Annual Tax Return prepared and filed 
Personal Tax Return for 2 partners 
Quarterly VAT return 
Six monthly Accounting Health Check 
Fair Use phone and email support 
Annual Meeting 

Partnership Enhanced 

From £260.00 +VAT per month 
Everything in the Essential plan, plus: 
Quarterly Management Report & Health Check 
Running Tax Bill Estimate 
Quarterly Meeting via Video Call 

Partnership Extra 

From £469.00 +VAT per month 
Everything in the Enhanced plan, plus: 
Monthly Management Report & Health Check 
Quarterly Budgeting & Forecasting 
Add our Bookkeeping Service to any of the above packages from £30.00 +VAT per month 
Add Xero for £24.00 +VAT per month 
Convert Quarterly Video call meetings to Face to Face at your premises for £50.00 +VAT per month** 
* For annual turnovers of between £85,000 and £1,000,000 
** For within 15 mile radius of our office 

How do I know which is the right package for my business? 

If you are wondering which package would suit you best you can book a call to check with us. We will know pretty quickly, we have worked with lots of businesses of all shapes and sizes, and remember, we can always adjust your package as you evolve. Why not give us a call to make sure we are the right fit. If you want to progress we can book a separate discovery session. Call Now 01865 703385 or Email [email protected], alternatively you can fill in the form below...